“Strengthening pro-European attitudes in Belarus.”
“Strengthening pro-“wide Europe” attitudes in Belarus”.
The main aim of the project is to analyze public and elites’ attitudes in Belarus towards “wide Europe”, to promote pro-“wide Europe” attitudes through wide publication of these results as well as public debates, and by this way to meet challenges of Europe enlargement.
“Building an information and analitical infrastructure for private enterprise in Belarus”
Supported by Center for International Private Enterprise, Washington, USA.
The main goal of the project was building an information and analitical infrastructure for private enterprise in Belarus through creation information-analitical groups within Belarusian Union of Entrepreneurs and Leaseholders at national and regional levels, data base for socio-economic and political analysis, publication of regional quarterly newsletters and national information-analitical bulletin.
“Belarus on the threshold of the ХХI century: ways of transformations”.
Project has been conducted by IISEPS with other member of Belarusian Think Tanks for democratic politics.
Main results of project has been used by leading democratic forces directly in public process (formation of consolidated position on important issues as participation in public dialoque, parliamentary elections and some others).
“Belarus: prospects in the XXI century”.
Project has been conducted by IISEPS with other member of Belarusian Think Tanks.
The main aim of the project was to assist the belarusian socity in the promotion of social progress in the country, in particular – to meet adequately challenges of the presidential elections. This assistance has been based on sociological, political and economic monitoring and analysis of the most important trends of the country development.
“Strengthening role of independent social research and experts’ networks in Belarus”
Supported by MacArthur Foundation, Chicago, USA.
The project is focused on strengthening independent social research and analysis, and their contribution to the development of Belarusian society.
“Formation of self-government in the Republic of Belarus”
Supported by Central European University, Prague, Czech Republic.
“Overcoming of anti-market stereotypes in post-communist Belarus”
Supported by Eurasia Foundation and USIS, Washington, USA.
“Development of independent TVnetwork in Belarus”
Supported by Center for International Private Enterprise, Washington, USA.
“Role of youth in the formation of civil society in Belarus”
Supported by MacArthur Foundation, Chicago, USA.