
More than 20 years IISEPS has been conducting opinion polls the results of which obtained wide recognition in Belarus and abroad. During these years over hundred national opinion polls on the basis of multistage random sampling have been conducted representing the population of the country from the age of 18 and older. The standard volume of selection amounts approximately to 1500 respondents. This means that Institute had surveyed a total more than 150,000 Belarusians.

IISEPS interviewers’ network
The interviewers’ network of IISEPS for carrying out national opinion polls includes over 100 skilled interviewers and regional supervisors, who have been specially trained, have long experience of doing different types of research and are given instructions before each poll. Over 80% of interviewers took part in conducting of more than eight national opinion polls. 90% of interviewers have higher, mostly humanitarian, education; the rest of them have secondary and vocational education in different professions. Almost a half of interviewers are younger than 30, other age groups are represented proportionally. Interviewers’ main places of work are also different: they work as sociologists, psychologists, lawyers, accountants, insurance and commercial agents. Almost one third of them are students of institutes of higher education, about 15% work at different educational institutions and libraries. There are as many housewives and state employees, and about 10% of the interviewers are pensioners.
Under the guidance of the network manager supervisors, who work in Minsk and all regional centers, organize and control the work of regional groups of interviewers up to 15 people in number. They systematically give instructions; work on selecting and training of new (or reserved) interviewers. In general, these are professional sociologists or specialists who have been doing this work for no less than five years; those who have sufficient expertise and theoretical experience. Interviewers and supervisors are not members of any political parties, and in this sense they are not exposed to political influence and do not exert such influence upon answers of respondents.

The number of places where a poll is conducted and the quantity of respondents in each type of settlement and in each region is determined in accordance with population and volume of a sampling. The next pattern is considered basic:
– Minsk (the capital);
– all the regional centers;
In each region they choose:
– 1 to 2 cities (with population over 50 thousand people);
– 2 to 3 towns and small towns (20-50 and 5-20 thousand of people);
– 3 to 5 villages.
Thus, on the whole a sampling includes on average about 50 settlements.
In order to choose respondents’ address the random route method is used (with the probability proportional to the size of a settlement). At the selected addresses respondents are chosen with the “nearest birthday” method under the control of a unified precept of quotas on gender, age, level of education and field of work to ensure representativeness of each stratum of the society. Later the facts are also considered according to gender, age, level of education, region of residence and the type of settlement. Statistical uncertainty in the given polls does not exceed 3%.

Procedure of polls
A poll is conducted domiciliary with the face-to-face method of interview: an interviewer reads out questions and variants of answers and marks the variants chosen by a respondent or (in case of an open question, i.e. a question to which respondents give their own answers) writes down the answers. If a certain question has great volume (many variants of answer, difficult for aural perception), an interviewer gives a respondent a corresponding card. Interviewers are trained for overcoming “barriers of primary distrust”, for maintaining a polite and friendly atmosphere of the conversation and for holding respondents’ attention. Though they often have to face negative reaction or fear, their expertise as a rule helps them to solve these problems. On average the number of respondents refusing to answer the questions does not exceed 15%. In such cases, according to the instruction, an interviewer chooses other respondents. It takes on average about an hour to conduct an interview.

Control of the data quality
Control of the data quality is carried out in each research in the following way:
– by control of the interview blank fill quality, execution of instructions, control of route sheets and closing statements by regional supervisors and the network manager;
– by spot check (up to 10%) of the conducted interviews over the phone or by supervisors’ (or by a third party) second visits;
– by logical control (or by control with the help of special programs) of the aggregate results;
– data re-weighing.
Compliance with these standards as a result allows to obtain reliable, objective information. As an example, we can show the characteristics of representativeness of the IISEPS survey conducted after the presidential elections in December 2010, the results of which caused a wave of emotion in the country and abroad – according to the poll voted for Lukashenko 58% of the number of voting, that was much more than the opposition announced (31%), and much less than the announced government (almost 80%):

The results of re-weighing data of nationwide public opinion poll conducted in December 2010





















































60 +















Incomplete secondary















Higher (incomplete higher)















Minsk region





Brest and region





Grodno and region





Vitebsk and region





Mogilev and region





Gomel and region










Type of settlement:





Region centers

























As can be seen, only one parameter – primary education – the difference between data before and after data re-weighing moved beyond sampling error (because of the known difficulties to poll of this social group – usually rural pensioners). Specifically for neutralize such deviations is carried out the procedure data re-weighing.

  • January
  • February
  • March
  • April
  • May
  • June
  • July
  • August
  • September
  • October
  • November
  • December

April 1992

  • 1. Title of the study: "New Political and Economic Actors of Belarus"
    2. Topics of thematic coverage: changes in political, economic and social spheres
    3. The aim: to define actors who can lead transformation from totalitarianism to democracy
    4. Descriptors: mass media, new press, referendum, local authority, social groups, political parties, elections
    5. Political block: а) attitudes towards referendum, Supreme Soviet, political leaders b) political and electoral behavior
    6. Comparability: most important questions were replicated
    7. Geographical area: Belarus-national
    8. Principal investigator: IISEPS
    9. Polling organization: IISEPS, P.O.B. 219, Minsk, 220030, Belarus, e-mail: iiseps@iiseps.org
    10. Fieldwork dates: 1992, April - May
    11. Population sampled: 18+ years old residents of Belarus who are not currently in hospital, jail, military service
    12. Sampling: clustered random
    13. Sample size: 999 respondents
    14. Mode of interviews: face-to-face interview
    15. Interviewers: part-time and university students
    16. Control: selective control of interviewers
    17. Related publications: 12 publications in mass media
    18. Availability of the original data sets: contact with IISEPS
    19. Source of information: IISEPS

January 1993

  • 1. Title of the study: "New Working Movement"
    2. Topics of thematic coverage: working class movement, traditional and independent trade unions
    3. The aim: to reveal the role of the working class movement and independent trade unions in the promotion of democracy, free enterprise and living standards
    4. Descriptors: working class movement, traditional (state-run) and independent trade unions, strikes, power institutions, democracy, politicization of working class movement, political process, market economy
    6. Comparability: most important questions were replicated
    7. Geographical area: Belarus-national
    8. Principal investigator: IISEPS
    9. Polling organization: IISEPS, P.O.B. 219, Minsk, 220030, Belarus, e-mail: iiseps@iiseps.org
    10. Fieldwork dates: 1992, December - 1993, January
    11. Population sampled: 18+ years old residents of Belarus who are not currently in hospital, jail, military service
    12. Sampling: clustered random
    13. Sample size: 746 respondents
    14. Mode of interviews: face-to-face interview
    15. Interviewers: part-time and university students
    16. Control: selective control of interviewers
    17. Related publications: 9 publications in mass media
    18. Availability of the original data sets: contact with IISEPS
    19. Source of information: IISEPS

June 1993

  • 1. Title of the study: "Development of Belarusian Nation in transition from Totalitarianism to Democracy"
    2. Topics of thematic coverage: changes in national attitudes and behavior
    3. The aim: to reveal main factors affected nationalism in Belarus, to study political actors who based their programs and activity on national idea
    4. Descriptors: Supreme Soviet, referendum, elections, crisis, nation, attitudes, culture, Belarusian mentality, national identification, national sovereignty, traditions, national minorities
    6. Comparability: most important questions were replicated
    7. Geographical area: Belarus-national
    8. Principal investigator: IISEPS
    9. Polling organization: IISEPS, P.O.B. 219, Minsk, 220030, Belarus, e-mail: iiseps@iiseps.org
    10. Fieldwork dates: 1993, June
    11. Population sampled: 18+ years old residents of Belarus who are not currently in hospital, jail, military service
    12. Sampling: clustered random
    13. Sample size: 1186 respondents
    14. Mode of interviews: face-to-face interview
    15. Interviewers: part-time and university students
    16. Control: selective control of interviewers
    17. Related publications: 11 publications in mass media
    18. Availability of the original data sets: contact with IISEPS
    19. Source of information: IISEPS

December 1993

  • 1. Title of the study: "Democratization of Mass Communication and Economy in Belarus"
    2. Topics of thematic coverage: changes in political, economic and information spheres, and in everyday life
    3. The aim: to reveal most important facilitators and obstacles in democratization of mass communication and economy in Belarus
    4. Descriptors: economy, living conditions, economic crisis, businessmen, private property, state property, "shadow economy", privatization, media landscape, media audience, media impact
    5. Political block: а) restoration of the USSR and role of Communist party, Russian-Belarussian unification b) necessity of general elections in 1994 c) attitudes towards different political parties
    6. Comparability: most important questions were replicated
    7. Geographical area: Belarus-national
    8. Principal investigator: IISEPS
    9. Polling organization: IISEPS, P.O.B. 219, Minsk, 220030, Belarus, e-mail: iiseps@iiseps.org
    10. Fieldwork dates: 1993, December
    11. Population sampled: 18+ years old residents of Belarus who are not currently in hospital, jail, military service
    12. Sampling: clustered random
    13. Sample size: 1148 respondents
    14. Mode of interviews: face-to-face interview
    15. Interviewers: part-time and university students
    16. Control: selective control of interviewers
    17. Related publications: 12 publications in mass media
    18. Availability of the original data sets: contact with IISEPS
    19. Source of information: IISEPS
  • January
  • February
  • March
  • April
  • May
  • June
  • July
  • August
  • September
  • October
  • November
  • December

November 1994

  • 1. Title of the study: "Monitoring of Socio-Economic and Political Changes in Belarus"
    2. Topics of thematic coverage: dynamic of reforms in political and economic spheres
    3. The aim: to reveal most important trends in socio-economic and political transformations in Belarus
    4. Descriptors: economy, living conditions, ownership, privatization, mass media, presidential elections, political parties, trade unions
    5. Political block: а) restoration of the USSR b) presidential elections c) role of political parties in the elections d) status of Russian
    6. Comparability: most important questions were replicated
    7. Geographical area: Belarus-national
    8. Principal investigator: IISEPS
    9. Polling organization: IISEPS, P.O.B. 219, Minsk, 220030, Belarus, e-mail: iiseps@iiseps.org
    10. Fieldwork dates: 1994, November-December
    11. Population sampled: 18+ years old residents of Belarus who are not currently in hospital, jail, military service
    12. Sampling: clustered random
    13. Sample size: 1460 respondents
    14. Mode of interviews: face-to-face interview
    15. Interviewers: part-time and university students
    16. Control: selective control of interviewers
    17. Related publications: 53 publications in mass media
    18. Availability of the original data sets: contact with IISEPS
    19. Source of information: IISEPS
  • January
  • February
  • March
  • April
  • May
  • June
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  • December

June 1995

  • 1. Title of the study: "Principles of Free market Economy in Programs and Activity of Leading Economic and Political Actors in Belarus"
    2. Topics of thematic coverage: attitudes of leading political parties, state institutions, mass media, trade unions, public and business associations towards main principles of free market economy and political reforms, and their implementation in public policy
    3. The aim: to define most relevant and effective public actors for social transformations in Belarus
    4. Descriptors: economy, crisis, ownership, privatization, mass media, tax policy, market, elections, political parties, trade unions, private business
    5. Political block: а) political activity of the population b) conditions for general elections c) results of general elections d) national referendum
    6. Comparability: most important questions were replicated
    7. Geographical area: Belarus-national
    8. Principal investigator: IISEPS
    9. Polling organization: IISEPS, P.O.B. 219, Minsk, 220030, Belarus, e-mail: iiseps@iiseps.org
    10. Fieldwork dates: 1995, May-June
    11. Population sampled: 18+ years old residents of Belarus who are not currently in hospital, jail, military service
    12. Sampling: clustered random
    13. Sample size: 1414 respondents
    14. Mode of interviews: face-to-face interview
    15. Interviewers: part-time and university students
    16. Control: selective control of interviewers
    17. Related publications: 97 publications in mass media
    18. Availability of the original data sets: contact with IISEPS
    19. Source of information: IISEPS
  • January
  • February
  • March
  • April
  • May
  • June
  • July
  • August
  • September
  • October
  • November
  • December

June 1996

  • 1. Title of the study: "Formation of Public Leaders in the Post-communist Belarus"
    2. Topics of thematic coverage: public attitudes towards public leaders and public participation in the process of their formation
    3. The aim: to reveal the most important factors of formation of public leaders in post-communist Belarus
    4. Descriptors: leadership, executive, legislative and judicial powers, local authority, conflicts, politicians, businessmen, youth leaders, media policy makers, public dialogue
    5. Political block: а) media political activity b) participation in general elections c) popularity of political parties, public movements and their leaders
    6. Comparability: most important questions were replicated
    7. Geographical area: Belarus-national
    8. Principal investigator: IISEPS
    9. Polling organization: IISEPS, P.O.B. 219, Minsk, 220030, Belarus, e-mail: iiseps@iiseps.org
    10. Fieldwork dates: 1996, May-June
    11. Population sampled: 18+ years old residents of Belarus who are not currently in hospital, jail, military service
    12. Sampling: clustered random
    13. Sample size: 1535 respondents
    14. Mode of interviews: face-to-face interview
    15. Interviewers: part-time and university students
    16. Control: selective control of interviewers
    17. Related publications: 79 publications in mass media
    18. Availability of the original data sets: contact with IISEPS
    19. Source of information: IISEPS
  • January
  • February
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  • April
  • May
  • June
  • July
  • August
  • September
  • October
  • November
  • December

June 1997

  • 1. Title of the study: "Overcoming of Anti-market Stereotypes in Post-communist Belarus"
    2. Topics of thematic coverage: content of anti-market stereotypes and conditions of their formation
    3. The aim: to define most effective ways of overcoming anti-market stereotypes in post-communist Belarus
    4. Descriptors: market, value orientations, mass media, ownership, privatization, democracy, public policy, Russian-Belarussian integration
    5. Comparability: most important questions were replicated
    6. Geographical area: Belarus-national
    7. Principal investigator: IISEPS
    8. Polling organization: IISEPS, P.O.B. 219, Minsk, 220030, Belarus, e-mail: iiseps@iiseps.org
    9. Fieldwork dates: 1997, May-June
    10. Population sampled: 18+ years old residents of Belarus who are not currently in hospital, jail, military service
    11. Sampling: clustered random
    12. Sample size: 1430 respondents
    13. Mode of interviews: face-to-face interview
    14. Interviewers: part-time and university students
    15. Control: selective control of interviewers
    16. Related publications: 79 publications in mass media
    17. Availability of the original data sets: contact with IISEPS
    18. Source of information: IISEPS

November 1997

  • 1. Title of the study: "Development of Information Infrastructure for Market Economy in Belarus"
    2. Topics of thematic coverage: political, social and economic factors of the development of the information infrastructure for market economy, development of the economic programms of non-state TV
    3. The aim: to reveal the most important facilitators and obstacles for the development of information infrastructure for market economy, and to prepare the groundwork for the broadcasting pro-market TV program through network of independent regional TV companies
    4. Descriptors: market, mass media, socio-economic positions and attitudes, electoral behavior, political attitudes
    5. Comparability: most important questions were replicated
    6. Geographical area: Belarus-national
    7. Principal investigator: IISEPS
    8. Polling organization: IISEPS, P.O.B. 219, Minsk, 220030, Belarus, e-mail: iiseps@iiseps.org
    9. Fieldwork dates: 1997, November
    10. Population sampled: 18+ years old residents of Belarus who are not currently in hospital, jail, military service
    11. Sampling: clustered random
    12. Sample size: 1499 respondents
    13. Mode of interviews: face-to-face interview
    14. Interviewers: part-time and university students
    15. Control: selective control of interviewers
    16. Related publications: 45 publications in mass media
    17. Availability of the original data sets: contact with IISEPS
    18. Source of information: IISEPS
  • January
  • February
  • March
  • April
  • May
  • June
  • July
  • August
  • September
  • October
  • November
  • December

September 1998

  • 1. Title of the study: "Development of Information Infrastructure for Market Economy in Belarus"
    2. Topics of thematic coverage: political, social and economic factors of the development of the information infrastructure for market economy, development of the economic programms of non-state TV (secondary poll)
    3. The aim: to study the dynamics of the most important facilitators and obstacles for the development of information infrastructure for market economy, and to prepare the groundwork for the broadcasting pro-market TV program through network of independent regional TV companies
    4. Descriptors: market, mass media, socio-economic positions and attitudes, electoral behavior, political attitudes
    5. Comparability: most important questions were replicated
    6. Geographical area: Belarus-national
    7. Principal investigator: IISEPS
    8. Polling organization: IISEPS, P.O.B. 219, Minsk, 220030, Belarus, e-mail: iiseps@iiseps.org
    9. Fieldwork dates: 1998, September
    10. Population sampled: 18+ years old residents of Belarus who are not currently in hospital, jail, military service
    11. Sampling: clustered random
    12. Sample size: 1486 respondents
    13. Mode of interviews: face-to-face interview
    14. Interviewers: part-time and university students
    15. Control: selective control of interviewers
    16. Related publications: 35 publications in mass media
    17. Availability of the original data sets: contact with IISEPS
    18. Source of information: IISEPS
  • January
  • February
  • March
  • April
  • May
  • June
  • July
  • August
  • September
  • October
  • November
  • December

March 1999

  • 1. Title of the study: "Role of youth in the formation of civil society in Belarus"
    2. Topics of thematic coverage: political, social, legal and economic factors of of strengthening youth participation in the formation of civil society in Belarus
    3. The aim: to study the most important facilitators and obstacles to including of different groups of youth in the formation of civil society, to specify the difference of this factors for groups of youth and elder people
    4. Descriptors: youth, civil society, socio-political positions and attitudes, electoral economic values, legal values, feeling for law and order, attitude to law
    5. Comparability: most important questions were replicated
    6. Geographical area: Belarus-national
    7. Principal investigator: IISEPS
    8. Polling organization: IISEPS, P.O.B. 219, Minsk, 220030, Belarus, e-mail: iiseps@iiseps.org
    9. Fieldwork dates: 1999, March
    10. Population sampled: 18+ years old residents of Belarus who are not currently in hospital, jail, military service
    11. Sampling: clustered random
    12. Sample size: 1666 respondents
    13. Mode of interviews: face-to-face interview
    14. Interviewers: part-time and university students
    15. Control: selective control of interviewers
    16. Related publications: more then 60 publications in mass media
    17. Availability of the original data sets: contact with IISEPS
    18. Source of information: IISEPS

June 1999

  • 1. Title of the study: "Building an information and analitical infrastructure for private enterprise in Belarus"
    2. Topics of thematic coverage: political, social and economic factors of development of analytical and information infrastructure for private enterprise
    3. The aim: to reveal the most important facilitators and obstacles to building an information and analitical infrastructure for private enterprise
    4. Descriptors: market, socio-economic positions and attitudes, electoral behavior, socio-political positions and attitudes, attitudes toward private enterprise, rule of law, legal applicable practice
    5. Comparability: most important questions were replicated
    6. Geographical area: Belarus-national
    7. Principal investigator: IISEPS
    8. Polling organization: IISEPS, P.O.B. 219, Minsk, 220030, Belarus, e-mail: iiseps@iiseps.org
    9. Fieldwork dates: 1999, June
    10. Population sampled: 18+ years old residents of Belarus who are not currently in hospital, jail, military service
    11. Sampling: clustered random
    12. Sample size: 1666 respondents
    13. Mode of interviews: face-to-face interview
    14. Interviewers: part-time and university students
    15. Control: selective control of interviewers
    16. Related publications: 45 publications in mass media
    17. Availability of the original data sets: contact with IISEPS
    18. Source of information: IISEPS

November 1999

  • 1. Title of the study: "Developing an information and analitical infrastructure for private enterprise in Belarus"
    2. Topics of thematic coverage: political, social and economic factors of development of analytical and information infrastructure for private enterprise
    3. The aim: to study the dynamics of the most important facilitators and obstacles to developing an information and analitical infrastructure for private enterprise
    4. Descriptors: market, socio-economic positions and attitudes, electoral behavior, socio-political positions and attitudes, attitudes toward private enterprise, rule of law, legal applicable practice
    5. Comparability: most important questions were replicated
    6. Geographical area: Belarus-national
    7. Principal investigator: IISEPS
    8. Polling organization: IISEPS, P.O.B. 219, Minsk, 220030, Belarus, e-mail: iiseps@iiseps.org
    9. Fieldwork dates: 1999, Nowember 10
    10. Population sampled: 18+ years old residents of Belarus who are not currently in hospital, jail, military service
    11. Sampling: clustered random
    12. Sample size: 1508 respondents
    13. Mode of interviews: face-to-face interview
    14. Interviewers: part-time and university students
    15. Control: selective control of interviewers
    16. Related publications: 48 publications in mass media
    17. Availability of the original data sets: contact with IISEPS
    18. Source of information: IISEPS

June 2000

  • 1. Title of the study: "Belarus on the threshold of the XXI century: ways of social transformations".
    2. Topics of thematic coverage: political, social and economic factors of transformations of Belarusian society, preparation to presidential elections.
    3. The aim: to study the most important facilitators and obstacles of development of Belarusian society, to support Belarusian democratic forces for social transformations
    4. Descriptors: market, economic attitudes, socio-political positions and attitudes, integration, free and democratic election, electoral behavior, opposition, political preferences, political parties, mass media
    5. Comparability: most important questions were replicated
    6. Geographical area: Belarus-national
    7. Principal investigator: IISEPS
    8. Polling organization: IISEPS, P.O.B. 219, Minsk, 220030, Belarus, e-mail: iiseps@iiseps.org
    9. Fieldwork dates: 2000, June
    10. Population sampled: 18+ years old residents of Belarus who are not currently in hospital, jail, military service
    11. Sampling: clustered random
    12. Sample size: 1489 respondents
    13. Mode of interviews: face-to-face interview
    14. Interviewers: part-time and university students
    15. Control: selective control of interviewers
    16. Related publications: more then 10 publications in mass media
    17. Availability of the original data sets: contact with IISEPS
    18. Source of information: IISEPS

July 2000

  • 1. Title of the study: "Belarus on the threshold of the XXI century: ways of social transformations".
    2. Topics of thematic coverage: political, social and economic factors of transformations of Belarusian society, preparation to presidential elections.
    3. The aim: to study the most important facilitators and obstacles of development of Belarusian society, to support Belarusian democratic forces for social transformations
    4. Descriptors: market, economic attitudes, socio-political positions and attitudes, integration, free and democratic election, electoral behavior, opposition, political preferences, political parties, mass media
    5. Comparability: most important questions were replicated
    6. Geographical area: Belarus-national
    7. Principal investigator: IISEPS
    8. Polling organization: IISEPS, P.O.B. 219, Minsk, 220030, Belarus, e-mail: iiseps@iiseps.org
    9. Fieldwork dates: 2000, June
    10. Population sampled: 18+ years old residents of Belarus who are not currently in hospital, jail, military service
    11. Sampling: clustered random
    12. Sample size: 1549 respondents
    13. Mode of interviews: face-to-face interview
    14. Interviewers: part-time and university students
    15. Control: selective control of interviewers
    16. Related publications: more then 10 publications in mass media
    17. Availability of the original data sets: contact with IISEPS
    18. Source of information: IISEPS

August 2000

  • 1. Title of the study: "Belarus on the threshold of the XXI century: ways of social transformations".
    2. Topics of thematic coverage: political, social and economic factors of transformations of Belarusian society, preparation to presidential elections.
    3. The aim: to study the most important facilitators and obstacles of development of Belarusian society, to support Belarusian democratic forces for social transformations
    4. Descriptors: market, economic attitudes, socio-political positions and attitudes, integration, free and democratic election, electoral behavior, opposition, political preferences, political parties, mass media
    5. Comparability: most important questions were replicated
    6. Geographical area: Belarus-national
    7. Principal investigator: IISEPS
    8. Polling organization: IISEPS, P.O.B. 219, Minsk, 220030, Belarus, e-mail: iiseps@iiseps.org
    9. Fieldwork dates: 2000, August
    10. Population sampled: 18+ years old residents of Belarus who are not currently in hospital, jail, military service
    11. Sampling: clustered random
    12. Sample size: 1488 respondents
    13. Mode of interviews: face-to-face interview
    14. Interviewers: part-time and university students
    15. Control: selective control of interviewers
    16. Related publications: more then 10 publications in mass media
    17. Availability of the original data sets: contact with IISEPS
    18. Source of information: IISEPS

September 2000

  • 1. Title of the study: "Belarus on the threshold of the XXI century: ways of social transformations".
    2. Topics of thematic coverage: political, social and economic factors of transformations of Belarusian society, preparation to presidential elections.
    3. The aim: to study the most important facilitators and obstacles of development of Belarusian society, to support Belarusian democratic forces for social transformations
    4. Descriptors: market, economic attitudes, socio-political positions and attitudes, integration, free and democratic election, electoral behavior, opposition, political preferences, political parties, mass media
    5. Comparability: most important questions were replicated
    6. Geographical area: Belarus-national
    7. Principal investigator: IISEPS
    8. Polling organization: IISEPS, P.O.B. 219, Minsk, 220030, Belarus, e-mail: iiseps@iiseps.org
    9. Fieldwork dates: 2000, September
    10. Population sampled: 18+ years old residents of Belarus who are not currently in hospital, jail, military service
    11. Sampling: clustered random
    12. Sample size: 1550 respondents
    13. Mode of interviews: face-to-face interview
    14. Interviewers: part-time and university students
    15. Control: selective control of interviewers
    16. Related publications: more then 10 publications in mass media
    17. Availability of the original data sets: contact with IISEPS
    18. Source of information: IISEPS

October 2000

  • 1. Title of the study: "Belarus on the threshold of the XXI century: ways of social transformations".
    2. Topics of thematic coverage: political, social and economic factors of transformations of Belarusian society, preparation to presidential elections.
    3. The aim: to study the most important facilitators and obstacles of development of Belarusian society, to support Belarusian democratic forces for social transformations
    4. Descriptors: market, economic attitudes, socio-political positions and attitudes, integration, free and democratic election, electoral behavior, opposition, political preferences, political parties, mass media
    5. Comparability: most important questions were replicated
    6. Geographical area: Belarus-national
    7. Principal investigator: IISEPS
    8. Polling organization: IISEPS, P.O.B. 219, Minsk, 220030, Belarus, e-mail: iiseps@iiseps.org
    9. Fieldwork dates: 2000, October
    10. Population sampled: 18+ years old residents of Belarus who are not currently in hospital, jail, military service
    11. Sampling: clustered random
    12. Sample size: 1461 respondents
    13. Mode of interviews: face-to-face interview
    14. Interviewers: part-time and university students
    15. Control: selective control of interviewers
    16. Related publications: more then 10 publications in mass media
    17. Availability of the original data sets: contact with IISEPS
    18. Source of information: IISEPS

November 2000

  • 1. Title of the study: "Belarus on the threshold of the XXI century: ways of social transformations".
    2. Topics of thematic coverage: political, social and economic factors of transformations of Belarusian society, preparation to presidential elections.
    3. The aim: to study the most important facilitators and obstacles of development of Belarusian society, to support Belarusian democratic forces for social transformations
    4. Descriptors: market, economic attitudes, socio-political positions and attitudes, integration, free and democratic election, electoral behavior, opposition, political preferences, political parties, mass media
    5. Comparability: most important questions were replicated
    6. Geographical area: Belarus-national
    7. Principal investigator: IISEPS
    8. Polling organization: IISEPS, P.O.B. 219, Minsk, 220030, Belarus, e-mail: iiseps@iiseps.org
    9. Fieldwork dates: 2000, November
    10. Population sampled: 18+ years old residents of Belarus who are not currently in hospital, jail, military service
    11. Sampling: clustered random
    12. Sample size: 1489 respondents
    13. Mode of interviews: face-to-face interview
    14. Interviewers: part-time and university students
    15. Control: selective control of interviewers
    16. Related publications: more then 10 publications in mass media
    17. Availability of the original data sets: contact with IISEPS
    18. Source of information: IISEPS

February 2001

  • 1. Title of the study: "Belarus: prospects in the XXI century".
    2. Topics of thematic coverage: political, social and economic factors of transformations of Belarusian society, preparation to presidential elections.
    3. The aim: to study the most important facilitators and obstacles of development of Belarusian society, to support Belarusian democratic forces for social transformations
    4. Descriptors: market, economic attitudes, socio-political positions and attitudes, integration, free and democratic election, electoral behavior, opposition, political preferences, political parties, mass media
    5. Comparability: most important questions were replicated
    6. Geographical area: Belarus-national
    7. Principal investigator: IISEPS
    8. Polling organization: IISEPS, P.O.B. 219, Minsk, 220030, Belarus, e-mail: iiseps@iiseps.org
    9. Fieldwork dates: 2001, February-March
    10. Population sampled: 18+ years old residents of Belarus who are not currently in hospital, jail, military service
    11. Sampling: clustered random
    12. Sample size: 1489 respondents
    13. Mode of interviews: face-to-face interview
    14. Interviewers: part-time and university students
    15. Control: selective control of interviewers
    16. Related publications: more then 10 publications in mass media
    17. Availability of the original data sets: contact with IISEPS
    18. Source of information: IISEPS

April 2001

  • 1. Title of the study: "Belarus: prospects in the XXI century".
    2. Topics of thematic coverage: political, social and economic factors of transformations of Belarusian society, preparation to presidential elections.
    3. The aim: to study the most important facilitators and obstacles of development of Belarusian society, to support Belarusian democratic forces for social transformations
    4. Descriptors: market, economic attitudes, socio-political positions and attitudes, integration, free and democratic election, electoral behavior, opposition, political preferences, political parties, mass media
    5. Comparability: most important questions were replicated
    6. Geographical area: Belarus-national
    7. Principal investigator: IISEPS
    8. Polling organization: IISEPS, P.O.B. 219, Minsk, 220030, Belarus, e-mail: iiseps@iiseps.org
    9. Fieldwork dates: 2001, April
    10. Population sampled: 18+ years old residents of Belarus who are not currently in hospital, jail, military service
    11. Sampling: clustered random
    12. Sample size: 1461 respondents
    13. Mode of interviews: face-to-face interview
    14. Interviewers: part-time and university students
    15. Control: selective control of interviewers
    16. Related publications: more then 10 publications in mass media
    17. Availability of the original data sets: contact with IISEPS
    18. Source of information: IISEPS

June 2001

  • 1. Title of the study: "Belarus: prospects in the XXI century".
    2. Topics of thematic coverage: political, social and economic factors of transformations of Belarusian society, preparation to presidential elections.
    3. The aim: to study the most important facilitators and obstacles of development of Belarusian society, to support Belarusian democratic forces for social transformations
    4. Descriptors: market, economic attitudes, socio-political positions and attitudes, integration, free and democratic election, electoral behavior, opposition, political preferences, political parties, mass media
    5. Comparability: most important questions were replicated
    6. Geographical area: Belarus-national
    7. Principal investigator: IISEPS
    8. Polling organization: IISEPS, P.O.B. 219, Minsk, 220030, Belarus, e-mail: iiseps@iiseps.org
    9. Fieldwork dates: 2001, June
    10. Population sampled: 18+ years old residents of Belarus who are not currently in hospital, jail, military service
    11. Sampling: clustered random
    12. Sample size: 1499 respondents
    13. Mode of interviews: face-to-face interview
    14. Interviewers: part-time and university students
    15. Control: selective control of interviewers
    16. Related publications: more then 10 publications in mass media
    17. Availability of the original data sets: contact with IISEPS
    18. Source of information: IISEPS

August 2001

  • 1. Title of the study: "Belarus: prospects in the XXI century".
    2. Topics of thematic coverage: political, social and economic factors of transformations of Belarusian society, preparation to presidential elections.
    3. The aim: to study the most important facilitators and obstacles of development of Belarusian society, to support Belarusian democratic forces for social transformations
    4. Descriptors: market, economic attitudes, socio-political positions and attitudes, integration, free and democratic election, electoral behavior, opposition, political preferences, political parties, mass media
    5. Comparability: most important questions were replicated
    6. Geographical area: Belarus-national
    7. Principal investigator: IISEPS
    8. Polling organization: IISEPS, P.O.B. 219, Minsk, 220030, Belarus, e-mail: iiseps@iiseps.org
    9. Fieldwork dates: 2001, August
    10. Population sampled: 18+ years old residents of Belarus who are not currently in hospital, jail, military service
    11. Sampling: clustered random
    12. Sample size: 1518 respondents
    13. Mode of interviews: face-to-face interview
    14. Interviewers: part-time and university students
    15. Control: selective control of interviewers
    16. Related publications: more then 10 publications in mass media
    17. Availability of the original data sets: contact with IISEPS
    18. Source of information: IISEPS

October 2001

  • 1. Title of the study: "Belarus: prospects in the XXI century".
    2. Topics of thematic coverage: political, social and economic factors of transformations of Belarusian society, preparation to presidential elections.
    3. The aim: to study the most important facilitators and obstacles of development of Belarusian society, to support Belarusian democratic forces for social transformations
    4. Descriptors: market, economic attitudes, socio-political positions and attitudes, integration, free and democratic election, electoral behavior, opposition, political preferences, political parties, mass media
    5. Comparability: most important questions were replicated
    6. Geographical area: Belarus-national
    7. Principal investigator: IISEPS
    8. Polling organization: IISEPS, P.O.B. 219, Minsk, 220030, Belarus, e-mail: iiseps@iiseps.org
    9. Fieldwork dates: 2001, October
    10. Population sampled: 18+ years old residents of Belarus who are not currently in hospital, jail, military service
    11. Sampling: clustered random
    12. Sample size: 1465 respondents
    13. Mode of interviews: face-to-face interview
    14. Interviewers: part-time and university students
    15. Control: selective control of interviewers
    16. Related publications: more then 10 publications in mass media
    17. Availability of the original data sets: contact with IISEPS
    18. Source of information: IISEPS

April 2002

  • 1. Title of the study: ""Strengthening role of independent social research and experts' networks in Belarus"
    2. Topics of thematic coverage: political, social and economic factors of transformations of Belarusian society, integration with Russia, ratings of politicians
    3. The aim: to study the most important facilitators and obstacles of development of Belarusian society, to support Belarusian democratic forces for social transformations
    4. Descriptors: market, economic attitudes, socio-political positions and attitudes, integration, free and democratic election, electoral behavior, opposition, political preferences, political parties, mass media
    5. Comparability: most important questions were replicated
    6. Geographical area: Belarus-national
    7. Principal investigator: IISEPS
    8. Polling organization: IISEPS, P.O.B. 219, Minsk, 220030, Belarus, e-mail: iiseps@iiseps.org
    9. Fieldwork dates: 2002, April
    10. Population sampled: 18+ years old residents of Belarus who are not currently in hospital, jail, military service
    11. Sampling: clustered random
    12. Sample size: 1464 respondents
    13. Mode of interviews: face-to-face interview
    14. Interviewers: part-time and university students
    15. Control: selective control of interviewers
    16. Related publications: more then 10 publications in mass media
    17. Availability of the original data sets: contact with IISEPS
    18. Source of information: IISEPS

September 2002

  • 1. Title of the study: ""Strengthening role of independent social research and experts' networks in Belarus"
    2. Topics of thematic coverage: political, social and economic factors of transformations of Belarusian society, integration with Russia, ratings of politicians
    3. The aim: to study the most important facilitators and obstacles of development of Belarusian society, to support Belarusian democratic forces for social transformations
    4. Descriptors: market, economic attitudes, socio-political positions and attitudes, integration, free and democratic election, electoral behavior, opposition, political preferences, political parties, mass media
    5. Comparability: most important questions were replicated
    6. Geographical area: Belarus-national
    7. Principal investigator: IISEPS
    8. Polling organization: IISEPS, P.O.B. 219, Minsk, 220030, Belarus, e-mail: iiseps@iiseps.org
    9. Fieldwork dates: 2002, September
    10. Population sampled: 18+ years old residents of Belarus who are not currently in hospital, jail, military service
    11. Sampling: clustered random
    12. Sample size: 1509 respondents
    13. Mode of interviews: face-to-face interview
    14. Interviewers: part-time and university students
    15. Control: selective control of interviewers
    16. Related publications: more then 10 publications in mass media
    17. Availability of the original data sets: contact with IISEPS
    18. Source of information: IISEPS

December 2002

  • 1. Title of the study: ""Strengthening role of independent social research and experts' networks in Belarus"
    2. Topics of thematic coverage: political, social and economic factors of transformations of Belarusian society, integration with Russia, ratings of politicians
    3. The aim: to study the most important facilitators and obstacles of development of Belarusian society, to support Belarusian democratic forces for social transformations
    4. Descriptors: market, economic attitudes, socio-political positions and attitudes, integration, free and democratic election, electoral behavior, opposition, political preferences, political parties, mass media
    5. Comparability: most important questions were replicated
    6. Geographical area: Belarus-national
    7. Principal investigator: IISEPS
    8. Polling organization: IISEPS, P.O.B. 219, Minsk, 220030, Belarus, e-mail: iiseps@iiseps.org
    9. Fieldwork dates: 2002, December
    10. Population sampled: 18+ years old residents of Belarus who are not currently in hospital, jail, military service
    11. Sampling: clustered random
    12. Sample size: 1478 respondents
    13. Mode of interviews: face-to-face interview
    14. Interviewers: part-time and university students
    15. Control: selective control of interviewers
    16. Related publications: more then 10 publications in mass media
    17. Availability of the original data sets: contact with IISEPS
    18. Source of information: IISEPS
  • January
  • February
  • March
  • April
  • May
  • June
  • July
  • August
  • September
  • October
  • November
  • December

March 2003

  • 1. Title of the study: ""Strengthening role of independent social research and experts' networks in Belarus"
    2. Topics of thematic coverage: political, social and economic factors of transformations of Belarusian society, integration with Russia, ratings of politicians
    3. The aim: to study the most important facilitators and obstacles of development of Belarusian society, to support Belarusian democratic forces for social transformations
    4. Descriptors: market, economic attitudes, socio-political positions and attitudes, integration, free and democratic election, electoral behavior, opposition, political preferences, political parties, mass media
    5. Comparability: most important questions were replicated
    6. Geographical area: Belarus-national
    7. Principal investigator: IISEPS
    8. Polling organization: IISEPS, P.O.B. 219, Minsk, 220030, Belarus, e-mail: iiseps@iiseps.org
    9. Fieldwork dates: 2003, March-April
    10. Population sampled: 18+ years old residents of Belarus who are not currently in hospital, jail, military service
    11. Sampling: clustered random
    12. Sample size: 1488 respondents
    13. Mode of interviews: face-to-face interview
    14. Interviewers: part-time and university students
    15. Control: selective control of interviewers
    16. Related publications: more then 10 publications in mass media
    17. Availability of the original data sets: contact with IISEPS
    18. Source of information: IISEPS

September 2003

  • 1. Title of the study: ""Strengthening role of independent social research and experts' networks in Belarus"
    2. Topics of thematic coverage: political, social and economic factors of transformations of Belarusian society, integration with Russia, ratings of politicians
    3. The aim: to study the most important facilitators and obstacles of development of Belarusian society, to support Belarusian democratic forces for social transformations
    4. Descriptors: market, economic attitudes, socio-political positions and attitudes, integration, free and democratic election, electoral behavior, opposition, political preferences, political parties, mass media
    5. Comparability: most important questions were replicated
    6. Geographical area: Belarus-national
    7. Principal investigator: IISEPS
    8. Polling organization: IISEPS, P.O.B. 219, Minsk, 220030, Belarus, e-mail: iiseps@iiseps.org
    9. Fieldwork dates: 2003, September
    10. Population sampled: 18+ years old residents of Belarus who are not currently in hospital, jail, military service
    11. Sampling: clustered random
    12. Sample size: 1519 respondents
    13. Mode of interviews: face-to-face interview
    14. Interviewers: part-time and university students
    15. Control: selective control of interviewers
    16. Related publications: more then 10 publications in mass media
    17. Availability of the original data sets: contact with IISEPS
    18. Source of information: IISEPS
  • January
  • February
  • March
  • April
  • May
  • June
  • July
  • August
  • September
  • October
  • November
  • December

March 2004

  • 1. Title of the study: ""Strengthening role of independent social research and experts' networks in Belarus"
    2. Topics of thematic coverage: political, social and economic factors of transformations of Belarusian society, integration with Russia, ratings of politicians
    3. The aim: to study the most important facilitators and obstacles of development of Belarusian society, to support Belarusian democratic forces for social transformations
    4. Descriptors: market, economic attitudes, socio-political positions and attitudes, integration, free and democratic election, electoral behavior, opposition, political preferences, political parties, mass media
    5. Comparability: most important questions were replicated
    6. Geographical area: Belarus-national
    7. Principal investigator: IISEPS
    8. Polling organization: IISEPS, P.O.B. 219, Minsk, 220030, Belarus, e-mail: iiseps@iiseps.org
    9. Fieldwork dates: 2004, March
    10. Population sampled: 18+ years old residents of Belarus who are not currently in hospital, jail, military service
    11. Sampling: clustered random
    12. Sample size: 1480 respondents
    13. Mode of interviews: face-to-face interview
    14. Interviewers: part-time and university students
    15. Control: selective control of interviewers
    16. Related publications: more then 10 publications in mass media
    17. Availability of the original data sets: contact with IISEPS
    18. Source of information: IISEPS

June 2004

  • 1. Title of the study: ""Strengthening role of independent social research and experts' networks in Belarus"
    2. Topics of thematic coverage: political, social and economic factors of transformations of Belarusian society, integration with Russia, ratings of politicians
    3. The aim: to study the most important facilitators and obstacles of development of Belarusian society, to support Belarusian democratic forces for social transformations
    4. Descriptors: market, economic attitudes, socio-political positions and attitudes, integration, free and democratic election, electoral behavior, opposition, political preferences, political parties, mass media
    5. Comparability: most important questions were replicated
    6. Geographical area: Belarus-national
    7. Principal investigator: IISEPS
    8. Polling organization: IISEPS, P.O.B. 219, Minsk, 220030, Belarus, e-mail: iiseps@iiseps.org
    9. Fieldwork dates: 2004, June
    10. Population sampled: 18+ years old residents of Belarus who are not currently in hospital, jail, military service
    11. Sampling: clustered random
    12. Sample size: 1508 respondents
    13. Mode of interviews: face-to-face interview
    14. Interviewers: part-time and university students
    15. Control: selective control of interviewers
    16. Related publications: more then 10 publications in mass media
    17. Availability of the original data sets: contact with IISEPS
    18. Source of information: IISEPS

November 2004

  • 1. Title of the study: ""Strengthening role of independent social research and experts' networks in Belarus"
    2. Topics of thematic coverage: political, social and economic factors of transformations of Belarusian society, integration with Russia, ratings of politicians
    3. The aim: to study the most important facilitators and obstacles of development of Belarusian society, to support Belarusian democratic forces for social transformations
    4. Descriptors: market, economic attitudes, socio-political positions and attitudes, integration, free and democratic election, electoral behavior, opposition, political preferences, political parties, mass media
    5. Comparability: most important questions were replicated
    6. Geographical area: Belarus-national
    7. Principal investigator: IISEPS
    8. Polling organization: IISEPS, P.O.B. 219, Minsk, 220030, Belarus, e-mail: iiseps@iiseps.org
    9. Fieldwork dates: 2004, November
    10. Population sampled: 18+ years old residents of Belarus who are not currently in hospital, jail, military service
    11. Sampling: clustered random
    12. Sample size: 1521 respondents
    13. Mode of interviews: face-to-face interview
    14. Interviewers: part-time and university students
    15. Control: selective control of interviewers
    16. Related publications: more then 10 publications in mass media
    17. Availability of the original data sets: contact with IISEPS
    18. Source of information: IISEPS

March 2005

  • 1. Title of the study: "Strengthening pro-"wide Europe" attitudes in Belarus"
    2. Topics of thematic coverage: political, social and economic factors of development of Belarusian society, integration with Europe
    3. The aim: to study the most important facilitators and obstacles of development of Belarusian society, to support Belarusian democratic forces for social transformations
    4. Descriptors: market, economic attitudes, socio-political positions and attitudes, integration, free and democratic election, electoral behavior, opposition, political preferences, political parties, mass media
    5. Comparability: most important questions were replicated
    6. Geographical area: Belarus-national
    7. Source of information: iiseps@iiseps.org
    8. Fieldwork dates: 2005, March
    9. Population sampled: 18+ years old residents of Belarus who are not currently in hospital, jail, military service
    10. Sampling: clustered random
    11. Sample size: 1516 respondents
    12. Mode of interviews: face-to-face interview
    13. Control: selective control of interviewers
    14. Related publications: more then 10 publications in mass media

May 2005

  • 1. Title of the study: "Strengthening pro-"wide Europe" attitudes in Belarus"
    2. Topics of thematic coverage: political, social and economic factors of development of Belarusian society, integration with Europe
    3. The aim: to study the most important facilitators and obstacles of development of Belarusian society, to support Belarusian democratic forces for social transformations
    4. Descriptors: market, economic attitudes, socio-political positions and attitudes, integration, free and democratic election, electoral behavior, opposition, political preferences, political parties, mass media
    5. Comparability: most important questions were replicated
    6. Geographical area: Belarus-national
    7. Source of information: iiseps@iiseps.org
    8. Fieldwork dates: 2005, May
    9. Population sampled: 18+ years old residents of Belarus who are not currently in hospital, jail, military service
    10. Sampling: clustered random
    11. Sample size: 1510 respondents
    12. Mode of interviews: face-to-face interview
    13. Control: selective control of interviewers
    14. Related publications: more then 10 publications in mass media

September 2005

  • 1. Title of the study: "Strengthening pro-"wide Europe" attitudes in Belarus"
    2. Topics of thematic coverage: political, social and economic factors of development of Belarusian society, integration with Europe
    3. The aim: to study the most important facilitators and obstacles of development of Belarusian society, to support Belarusian democratic forces for social transformations
    4. Descriptors: market, economic attitudes, socio-political positions and attitudes, integration, free and democratic election, electoral behavior, opposition, political preferences, political parties, mass media
    5. Comparability: most important questions were replicated
    6. Geographical area: Belarus-national
    7. Source of information: iiseps@iiseps.org
    8. Fieldwork dates: 2005, September
    9. Population sampled: 18+ years old residents of Belarus who are not currently in hospital, jail, military service
    10. Sampling: clustered random
    11. Sample size: 1504 respondents
    12. Mode of interviews: face-to-face interview
    13. Control: selective control of interviewers
    14. Related publications: more then 10 publications in mass media

December 2005

  • 1. Title of the study: "Strengthening pro-"wide Europe" attitudes in Belarus"
    2. Topics of thematic coverage: political, social and economic factors of development of Belarusian society, integration with Europe
    3. The aim: to study the most important facilitators and obstacles of development of Belarusian society, to support Belarusian democratic forces for social transformations
    4. Descriptors: market, economic attitudes, socio-political positions and attitudes, integration, free and democratic election, electoral behavior, opposition, political preferences, political parties, mass media
    5. Comparability: most important questions were replicated
    6. Geographical area: Belarus-national
    7. Source of information: iiseps@iiseps.org
    8. Fieldwork dates: 2005, December
    9. Population sampled: 18+ years old residents of Belarus who are not currently in hospital, jail, military service
    10. Sampling: clustered random
    11. Sample size: 1514 respondents
    12. Mode of interviews: face-to-face interview
    13. Control: selective control of interviewers
    14. Related publications: more then 10 publications in mass media

February 2006

  • 1. Title of the study: "Strengthening pro-"wide Europe" attitudes in Belarus"
    2. Topics of thematic coverage: political, social and economic factors of development of Belarusian society, integration with Europe
    3. The aim: to study the most important facilitators and obstacles of development of Belarusian society, to support Belarusian democratic forces for social transformations
    4. Descriptors: market, economic attitudes, socio-political positions and attitudes, integration, free and democratic election, electoral behavior, opposition, political preferences, political parties, mass media
    5. Comparability: most important questions were replicated
    6. Geographical area: Belarus-national
    7. Source of information: iiseps@iiseps.org
    8. Fieldwork dates: 2006, February
    9. Population sampled: 18+ years old residents of Belarus who are not currently in hospital, jail, military service
    10. Sampling: clustered random
    11. Sample size: 1429 respondents
    12. Mode of interviews: face-to-face interview
    13. Control: selective control of interviewers
    14. Related publications: more then 10 publications in mass media

March 2006

  • 1. Title of the study: "Strengthening pro-"wide Europe" attitudes in Belarus"
    2. Topics of thematic coverage: political, social and economic factors of development of Belarusian society, integration with Europe
    3. The aim: to study the most important facilitators and obstacles of development of Belarusian society, to support Belarusian democratic forces for social transformations
    4. Descriptors: market, economic attitudes, socio-political positions and attitudes, integration, free and democratic election, electoral behavior, opposition, political preferences, political parties, mass media
    5. Comparability: most important questions were replicated
    6. Geographical area: Belarus-national
    7. Source of information: iiseps@iiseps.org
    8. Fieldwork dates: 2006, March - April
    9. Population sampled: 18+ years old residents of Belarus who are not currently in hospital, jail, military service
    10. Sampling: clustered random
    11. Sample size: 1496 respondents
    12. Mode of interviews: face-to-face interview
    13. Control: selective control of interviewers
    14. Related publications: more then 10 publications in mass media

April 2006

  • 1. Title of the study: "Strengthening pro-"wide Europe" attitudes in Belarus"
    2. Topics of thematic coverage: political, social and economic factors of development of Belarusian society, integration with Europe
    3. The aim: to study the most important facilitators and obstacles of development of Belarusian society, to support Belarusian democratic forces for social transformations
    4. Descriptors: market, economic attitudes, socio-political positions and attitudes, integration, free and democratic election, electoral behavior, opposition, political preferences, political parties, mass media
    5. Comparability: most important questions were replicated
    6. Geographical area: Belarus-national
    7. Source of information: iiseps@iiseps.org
    8. Fieldwork dates: 2006, April
    9. Population sampled: 18+ years old residents of Belarus who are not currently in hospital, jail, military service
    10. Sampling: clustered random
    11. Sample size: 1594 respondents
    12. Mode of interviews: face-to-face interview
    13. Control: selective control of interviewers
    14. Related publications: more then 10 publications in mass media

June 2006

  • 1. Title of the study: "Strengthening pro-"wide Europe" attitudes in Belarus"
    2. Topics of thematic coverage: political, social and economic factors of development of Belarusian society, integration with Europe
    3. The aim: to study the most important facilitators and obstacles of development of Belarusian society, to support Belarusian democratic forces for social transformations
    4. Descriptors: market, economic attitudes, socio-political positions and attitudes, integration, free and democratic election, electoral behavior, opposition, political preferences, political parties, mass media
    5. Comparability: most important questions were replicated
    6. Geographical area: Belarus-national
    7. Source of information: iiseps@iiseps.org
    8. Fieldwork dates: 2006, June 12 - 22
    9. Population sampled: 18+ years old residents of Belarus who are not currently in hospital, jail, military service
    10. Sampling: clustered random
    11. Sample size: 1505 respondents
    12. Mode of interviews: face-to-face interview
    13. Control: selective control of interviewers
    14. Related publications: more then 10 publications in mass media
  • 1. Title of the study: "Strengthening pro-"wide Europe" attitudes in Belarus"
    2. Topics of thematic coverage: political, social and economic factors of development of Belarusian society, integration with Europe
    3. The aim: to study the most important facilitators and obstacles of development of Belarusian society, to support Belarusian democratic forces for social transformations
    4. Descriptors: market, economic attitudes, socio-political positions and attitudes, integration, free and democratic election, electoral behavior, opposition, political preferences, political parties, mass media
    5. Comparability: most important questions were replicated
    6. Geographical area: Belarus-national
    7. Source of information: iiseps@iiseps.org
    8. Fieldwork dates: 2006, June 2 -12
    9. Population sampled: 18+ years old residents of Belarus who are not currently in hospital, jail, military service
    10. Sampling: clustered random
    11. Sample size: 1509 respondents
    12. Mode of interviews: face-to-face interview
    13. Control: selective control of interviewers
    14. Related publications: more then 10 publications in mass media

August 2006

  • 1. Title of the study: "Strengthening pro-"wide Europe" attitudes in Belarus"
    2. Topics of thematic coverage: political, social and economic factors of development of Belarusian society, integration with Europe
    3. The aim: to study the most important facilitators and obstacles of development of Belarusian society, to support Belarusian democratic forces for social transformations
    4. Descriptors: market, economic attitudes, socio-political positions and attitudes, integration, free and democratic election, electoral behavior, opposition, political preferences, political parties, mass media
    5. Comparability: most important questions were replicated
    6. Geographical area: Belarus-national
    7. Source of information: iiseps@iiseps.org
    8. Fieldwork dates: 2006, August 15 -25
    9. Population sampled: 18+ years old residents of Belarus who are not currently in hospital, jail, military service
    10. Sampling: clustered random
    11. Sample size: 1515 respondents
    12. Mode of interviews: face-to-face interview
    13. Control: selective control of interviewers
    14. Related publications: more then 10 publications in mass media

November 2006

  • 1. Title of the study: "Strengthening pro-"wide Europe" attitudes in Belarus"
    2. Topics of thematic coverage: political, social and economic factors of development of Belarusian society, integration with Europe
    3. The aim: to study the most important facilitators and obstacles of development of Belarusian society, to support Belarusian democratic forces for social transformations
    4. Descriptors: market, economic attitudes, socio-political positions and attitudes, integration, free and democratic election, electoral behavior, opposition, political preferences, political parties, mass media
    5. Comparability: most important questions were replicated
    6. Geographical area: Belarus-national
    7. Source of information: iiseps@iiseps.org
    8. Fieldwork dates: 2006, October 23 - November 3
    9. Population sampled: 18+ years old residents of Belarus who are not currently in hospital, jail, military service
    10. Sampling: clustered random
    11. Sample size: 1527 respondents
    12. Mode of interviews: face-to-face interview
    13. Control: selective control of interviewers
    14. Related publications: more then 10 publications in mass media

January 2007

  • 1. Title of the study: "Strengthening pro-"wide Europe" attitudes in Belarus"
    2. Topics of thematic coverage: political, social and economic factors of development of Belarusian society, integration with Europe
    3. The aim: to study the most important facilitators and obstacles of development of Belarusian society, to support Belarusian democratic forces for social transformations
    4. Descriptors: market, economic attitudes, socio-political positions and attitudes, integration, free and democratic election, electoral behavior, opposition, political preferences, political parties, mass media
    5. Comparability: most important questions were replicated
    6. Geographical area: Belarus-national
    7. Source of information: iiseps@iiseps.org
    8. Fieldwork dates: 2007, January 20 -30
    9. Population sampled: 18+ years old residents of Belarus who are not currently in hospital, jail, military service
    10. Sampling: clustered random
    11. Sample size: 1474 respondents
    12. Mode of interviews: face-to-face interview
    13. Control: selective control of interviewers
    14. Related publications: more then 10 publications in mass media

May 2007

  • 1. Title of the study: "Monitoring of a public opinion in Belarus"
    2. Topics of thematic coverage: political, social and economic factors of development of Belarusian society, integration with Europe
    3. The aim: to study the most important facilitators and obstacles of development of Belarusian society, to support Belarusian democratic forces for social transformations
    4. Descriptors: market, economic attitudes, socio-political positions and attitudes, integration, free and democratic election, electoral behavior, opposition, political preferences, political parties, mass media
    5. Comparability: most important questions were replicated
    6. Geographical area: Belarus-national
    7. Source of information: iiseps@iiseps.org
    8. Fieldwork dates: 2007, May 3 -13
    9. Population sampled: 18+ years old residents of Belarus who are not currently in hospital, jail, military service
    10. Sampling: clustered random
    11. Sample size: 1521 respondents
    12. Mode of interviews: face-to-face interview
    13. Control: selective control of interviewers
    14. Related publications: more then 10 publications in mass media

September 2007

  • 1. Title of the study: "Monitoring of a public opinion in Belarus"
    2. Topics of thematic coverage: political, social and economic factors of development of Belarusian society, integration with Europe
    3. The aim: to study the most important facilitators and obstacles of development of Belarusian society, to support Belarusian democratic forces for social transformations
    4. Descriptors: market, economic attitudes, socio-political positions and attitudes, integration, free and democratic election, electoral behavior, opposition, political preferences, political parties, mass media
    5. Comparability: most important questions were replicated
    6. Geographical area: Belarus-national
    7. Source of information: iiseps@iiseps.org
    8. Fieldwork dates: 2007, September 3 -13
    9. Population sampled: 18+ years old residents of Belarus who are not currently in hospital, jail, military service
    10. Sampling: clustered random
    11. Sample size: 1514 respondents
    12. Mode of interviews: face-to-face interview
    13. Control: selective control of interviewers
    14. Related publications: more then 10 publications in mass media

December 2007

  • 1. Title of the study: "Monitoring of a public opinion in Belarus"
    2. Topics of thematic coverage: political, social and economic factors of development of Belarusian society, integration with Europe
    3. The aim: to study the most important facilitators and obstacles of development of Belarusian society, to support Belarusian democratic forces for social transformations
    4. Descriptors: market, economic attitudes, socio-political positions and attitudes, integration, free and democratic election, electoral behavior, opposition, political preferences, political parties, mass media
    5. Comparability: most important questions were replicated
    6. Geographical area: Belarus-national
    7. Source of information: iiseps@iiseps.org
    8. Fieldwork dates: 2007, December 3 -13
    9. Population sampled: 18+ years old residents of Belarus who are not currently in hospital, jail, military service
    10. Sampling: clustered random
    11. Sample size: 1521 respondents
    12. Mode of interviews: face-to-face interview
    13. Control: selective control of interviewers
    14. Related publications: more then 10 publications in mass media

March 2008

  • 1. Title of the study: "Monitoring of a public opinion in Belarus"
    2. Topics of thematic coverage: political, social and economic factors of development of Belarusian society, integration with Europe and Russia
    3. The aim: to study the most important facilitators and obstacles of development of Belarusian society, to support Belarusian democratic forces for social transformations
    4. Descriptors: market, economic attitudes, socio-political positions and attitudes, integration, free and democratic election, electoral behavior, opposition, political preferences, political parties, mass media
    5. Comparability: most important questions were replicated
    6. Geographical area: Belarus-national
    7. Source of information: iiseps@iiseps.org
    8. Fieldwork dates: 2008, March 3 -13
    9. Population sampled: 18+ years old residents of Belarus who are not currently in hospital, jail, military service
    10. Sampling: clustered random
    11. Sample size: 1531 respondents
    12. Mode of interviews: face-to-face interview
    13. Control: selective control of interviewers
    14. Related publications: more then 10 publications in mass media

June 2008

  • 1. Title of the study: "Monitoring of a public opinion in Belarus"
    2. Topics of thematic coverage: political, social and economic factors of development of Belarusian society, integration with Europe and Russia
    3. The aim: to study the most important facilitators and obstacles of development of Belarusian society, to support Belarusian democratic forces for social transformations
    4. Descriptors: market, economic attitudes, socio-political positions and attitudes, integration, free and democratic election, electoral behavior, opposition, political preferences, political parties, mass media
    5. Comparability: most important questions were replicated
    6. Geographical area: Belarus-national
    7. Source of information: iiseps@iiseps.org
    8. Fieldwork dates: 2008, June 2 -12
    9. Population sampled: 18+ years old residents of Belarus who are not currently in hospital, jail, military service
    10. Sampling: clustered random
    11. Sample size: 1502 respondents
    12. Mode of interviews: face-to-face interview
    13. Control: selective control of interviewers
    14. Related publications: more then 10 publications in mass media

September 2008

  • 1. Title of the study: "Monitoring of a public opinion in Belarus"
    2. Topics of thematic coverage: political, social and economic factors of development of Belarusian society, integration with Europe and Russia
    3. The aim: to study the most important facilitators and obstacles of development of Belarusian society, to support Belarusian democratic forces for social transformations
    4. Descriptors: market, economic attitudes, socio-political positions and attitudes, integration, free and democratic election, electoral behavior, opposition, political preferences, political parties, mass media
    5. Comparability: most important questions were replicated
    6. Geographical area: Belarus-national
    7. Source of information: iiseps@iiseps.org
    8. Fieldwork dates: 2008, September 2 -12
    9. Population sampled: 18+ years old residents of Belarus who are not currently in hospital, jail, military service
    10. Sampling: clustered random
    11. Sample size: 1501 respondents
    12. Mode of interviews: face-to-face interview
    13. Control: selective control of interviewers
    14. Related publications: more then 10 publications in mass media

October 2008

  • 1. Title of the study: "Monitoring of a public opinion in Belarus"
    2. Topics of thematic coverage: political, social and economic factors of development of Belarusian society, integration with Europe and Russia
    3. The aim: to study the most important facilitators and obstacles of development of Belarusian society, to support Belarusian democratic forces for social transformations
    4. Descriptors: market, economic attitudes, socio-political positions and attitudes, integration, free and democratic election, electoral behavior, opposition, political preferences, political parties, mass media
    5. Comparability: most important questions were replicated
    6. Geographical area: Belarus-national
    7. Source of information: iiseps@iiseps.org
    8. Fieldwork dates: 2008, October 2 -12
    9. Population sampled: 18+ years old residents of Belarus who are not currently in hospital, jail, military service
    10. Sampling: clustered random
    11. Sample size: 1512 respondents
    12. Mode of interviews: face-to-face interview
    13. Control: selective control of interviewers
    14. Related publications: more then 10 publications in mass media

December 2008

  • 1. Title of the study: "Monitoring of a public opinion in Belarus"
    2. Topics of thematic coverage: political, social and economic factors of development of Belarusian society, integration with Europe and Russia
    3. The aim: to study the most important facilitators and obstacles of development of Belarusian society, to support Belarusian democratic forces for social transformations
    4. Descriptors: market, economic attitudes, socio-political positions and attitudes, integration, free and democratic election, electoral behavior, opposition, political preferences, political parties, mass media
    5. Comparability: most important questions were replicated
    6. Geographical area: Belarus-national
    7. Source of information: iiseps@iiseps.org
    8. Fieldwork dates: 2008, December 2 -12
    9. Population sampled: 18+ years old residents of Belarus who are not currently in hospital, jail, military service
    10. Sampling: clustered random
    11. Sample size: 1522 respondents
    12. Mode of interviews: face-to-face interview
    13. Control: selective control of interviewers
    14. Related publications: more then 10 publications in mass media

March 2009

  • 1. Title of the study: "Monitoring of a public opinion in Belarus"
    2. Topics of thematic coverage: political, social and economic factors of development of Belarusian society, integration with Europe and Russia
    3. The aim: to study the most important facilitators and obstacles of development of Belarusian society, to support Belarusian democratic forces for social transformations
    4. Descriptors: market, economic attitudes, socio-political positions and attitudes, integration, free and democratic election, electoral behavior, opposition, political preferences, political parties, mass media
    5. Comparability: most important questions were replicated
    6. Geographical area: Belarus-national
    7. Source of information: iiseps@iiseps.org
    8. Fieldwork dates: 2009, March 5 -15
    9. Population sampled: 18+ years old residents of Belarus who are not currently in hospital, jail, military service
    10. Sampling: clustered random
    11. Sample size: 1513 respondents
    12. Mode of interviews: face-to-face interview
    13. Control: selective control of interviewers
    14. Related publications: more then 10 publications in mass media

June 2009

  • (executed with assistance of Fund of development of legal technologies)
    1. Title of the study: "Monitoring of a public opinion in Belarus"
    2. Topics of thematic coverage: political, social and economic factors of development of Belarusian society, integration with Europe and Russia
    3. The aim: to study the most important facilitators and obstacles of development of Belarusian society, to support Belarusian democratic forces for social transformations
    4. Descriptors: market, economic attitudes, socio-political positions and attitudes, integration, free and democratic election, electoral behavior, opposition, political preferences, political parties, mass media
    5. Comparability: most important questions were replicated
    6. Geographical area: Belarus-national
    7. Source of information: iiseps@iiseps.org
    8. Fieldwork dates: 2009, June 2 -12
    9. Population sampled: 18+ years old residents of Belarus who are not currently in hospital, jail, military service
    10. Sampling: clustered random
    11. Sample size: 1515 respondents
    12. Mode of interviews: face-to-face interview
    13. Control: selective control of interviewers
    14. Related publications: more then 10 publications in mass media

September 2009

  • 1. Title of the study: "Monitoring of a public opinion in Belarus"
    2. Topics of thematic coverage: political, social and economic factors of development of Belarusian society, integration with Europe and Russia
    3. The aim: to study the most important facilitators and obstacles of development of Belarusian society, to support Belarusian democratic forces for social transformations
    4. Descriptors: market, economic attitudes, socio-political positions and attitudes, integration, free and democratic election, electoral behavior, opposition, political preferences, political parties, mass media
    5. Comparability: most important questions were replicated
    6. Geographical area: Belarus-national
    7. Source of information: iiseps@iiseps.org
    8. Fieldwork dates: 2009, September 2 -12
    9. Population sampled: 18+ years old residents of Belarus who are not currently in hospital, jail, military service
    10. Sampling: clustered random
    11. Sample size: 1505 respondents
    12. Mode of interviews: face-to-face interview
    13. Control: selective control of interviewers
    14. Related publications: more then 10 publications in mass media

December 2009

  • 1. Title of the study: "Monitoring of a public opinion in Belarus"
    2. Topics of thematic coverage: political, social and economic factors of development of Belarusian society, integration with Europe and Russia
    3. The aim: to study the most important facilitators and obstacles of development of Belarusian society, to support Belarusian democratic forces for social transformations
    4. Descriptors: market, economic attitudes, socio-political positions and attitudes, integration, free and democratic election, electoral behavior, opposition, political preferences, political parties, mass media
    5. Comparability: most important questions were replicated
    6. Geographical area: Belarus-national
    7. Source of information: iiseps@iiseps.org
    8. Fieldwork dates: 2009, December 2 -12
    9. Population sampled: 18+ years old residents of Belarus who are not currently in hospital, jail, military service
    10. Sampling: clustered random
    11. Sample size: 1514 respondents
    12. Mode of interviews: face-to-face interview
    13. Control: selective control of interviewers
    14. Related publications: more then 10 publications in mass media

March 2010

  • 1. Title of the study: "Monitoring of a public opinion in Belarus"
    2. Topics of thematic coverage: political, social and economic factors of development of Belarusian society, integration with Europe and Russia
    3. The aim: to study the most important facilitators and obstacles of development of Belarusian society, to support Belarusian democratic forces for social transformations
    4. Descriptors: market, economic attitudes, socio-political positions and attitudes, integration, free and democratic election, electoral behavior, opposition, political preferences, political parties, mass media
    5. Comparability: most important questions were replicated
    6. Geographical area: Belarus-national
    7. Source of information: iiseps@iiseps.org
    8. Fieldwork dates: 2010, March 2 -12
    9. Population sampled: 18+ years old residents of Belarus who are not currently in hospital, jail, military service
    10. Sampling: clustered random
    11. Sample size: 1521 respondents
    12. Mode of interviews: face-to-face interview
    13. Control: selective control of interviewers
    14. Related publications: more then 10 publications in mass media

June 2010

  • (executed with assistance of Legal Transformation Center)
    1. Title of the study: "Monitoring of a public opinion in Belarus"
    2. Topics of thematic coverage: political, social and economic factors of development of Belarusian society, integration with Europe and Russia
    3. The aim: to study the most important facilitators and obstacles of development of Belarusian society, to support Belarusian democratic forces for social transformations
    4. Descriptors: market, economic attitudes, socio-political positions and attitudes, integration, free and democratic election, electoral behavior, opposition, political preferences, political parties, mass media
    5. Comparability: most important questions were replicated
    6. Geographical area: Belarus-national
    7. Source of information: iiseps@iiseps.org
    8. Fieldwork dates: 2010, June 2 -12
    9. Population sampled: 18+ years old residents of Belarus who are not currently in hospital, jail, military service
    10. Sampling: clustered random
    11. Sample size: 1516 respondents
    12. Mode of interviews: face-to-face interview
    13. Control: selective control of interviewers
    14. Related publications: more then 10 publications in mass media

September 2010

  • 1. Title of the study: "Monitoring of a public opinion in Belarus"
    2. Topics of thematic coverage: political, social and economic factors of development of Belarusian society, integration with Europe and Russia
    3. The aim: to study the most important facilitators and obstacles of development of Belarusian society, to support Belarusian democratic forces for social transformations
    4. Descriptors: market, economic attitudes, socio-political positions and attitudes, integration, free and democratic election, electoral behavior, opposition, political preferences, political parties, mass media
    5. Comparability: most important questions were replicated
    6. Geographical area: Belarus-national
    7. Source of information: iiseps@iiseps.org
    8. Fieldwork dates: 2010, September 2 -12
    9. Population sampled: 18+ years old residents of Belarus who are not currently in hospital, jail, military service
    10. Sampling: clustered random
    11. Sample size: 1527 respondents
    12. Mode of interviews: face-to-face interview
    13. Control: selective control of interviewers
    14. Related publications: more then 10 publications in mass media

October 2010

  • 1. Title of the study: "Monitoring of a public opinion in Belarus"
    2. Topics of thematic coverage: political, social and economic factors of development of Belarusian society, integration with Europe and Russia
    3. The aim: to study the most important facilitators and obstacles of development of Belarusian society, to support Belarusian democratic forces for social transformations
    4. Descriptors: market, economic attitudes, socio-political positions and attitudes, integration, free and democratic election, electoral behavior, opposition, political preferences, political parties, mass media
    5. Comparability: most important questions were replicated
    6. Geographical area: Belarus-national
    7. Source of information: iiseps@iiseps.org
    8. Fieldwork dates: 2010, October 14 -24
    9. Population sampled: 18+ years old residents of Belarus who are not currently in hospital, jail, military service
    10. Sampling: clustered random
    11. Sample size: 1505 respondents
    12. Mode of interviews: face-to-face interview
    13. Control: selective control of interviewers
    14. Related publications: more then 10 publications in mass media

December 2010

  • 1. Title of the study: "Monitoring of a public opinion in Belarus"
    2. Topics of thematic coverage: political, social and economic factors of development of Belarusian society, integration with Europe and Russia
    3. The aim: to study the most important facilitators and obstacles of development of Belarusian society, to support Belarusian democratic forces for social transformations
    4. Descriptors: market, economic attitudes, socio-political positions and attitudes, integration, free and democratic election, electoral behavior, opposition, political preferences, political parties, mass media
    5. Comparability: most important questions were replicated
    6. Geographical area: Belarus-national
    7. Source of information: iiseps@iiseps.org
    8. Fieldwork dates: 2010, December 21 -31
    9. Population sampled: 18+ years old residents of Belarus who are not currently in hospital, jail, military service
    10. Sampling: clustered random
    11. Sample size: 1511 respondents
    12. Mode of interviews: face-to-face interview
    13. Control: selective control of interviewers
    14. Related publications: more then 10 publications in mass media

March 2011

  • 1. Title of the study: "Monitoring of a public opinion in Belarus"
    2. Topics of thematic coverage: political, social and economic factors of development of Belarusian society, integration with Europe and Russia
    3. The aim: to study the most important facilitators and obstacles of development of Belarusian society, to support Belarusian democratic forces for social transformations
    4. Descriptors: market, economic attitudes, socio-political positions and attitudes, integration, free and democratic election, electoral behavior, opposition, political preferences, political parties, mass media
    5. Comparability: most important questions were replicated
    6. Geographical area: Belarus-national
    7. Source of information: iiseps@iiseps.org
    8. Fieldwork dates: 2011, March 2 -12
    9. Population sampled: 18+ years old residents of Belarus who are not currently in hospital, jail, military service
    10. Sampling: clustered random
    11. Sample size: 1524 respondents
    12. Mode of interviews: face-to-face interview
    13. Control: selective control of interviewers
    14. Related publications: more then 10 publications in mass media

May 2011

  • 1. Title of the study: "Monitoring of a public opinion in Belarus"
    2. Topics of thematic coverage: political, social and economic factors of development of Belarusian society, integration with Europe and Russia
    3. The aim: to study the most important facilitators and obstacles of development of Belarusian society, to support Belarusian democratic forces for social transformations
    4. Descriptors: market, economic attitudes, socio-political positions and attitudes, integration, free and democratic election, electoral behavior, opposition, political preferences, political parties, mass media
    5. Comparability: most important questions were replicated
    6. Geographical area: Belarus-national
    7. Source of information: iiseps@iiseps.org
    8. Fieldwork dates: 2011, May 10 - 20
    9. Population sampled: 18+ years old residents of Belarus who are not currently in hospital, jail, military service
    10. Sampling: clustered random
    11. Sample size: 1505 respondents
    12. Mode of interviews: face-to-face interview
    13. Control: selective control of interviewers
    14. Related publications: more then 10 publications in mass media

June 2011

  • 1. Title of the study: "Monitoring of a public opinion in Belarus"
    2. Topics of thematic coverage: political, social and economic factors of development of Belarusian society, integration with Europe and Russia
    3. The aim: to study the most important facilitators and obstacles of development of Belarusian society, to support Belarusian democratic forces for social transformations
    4. Descriptors: market, economic attitudes, socio-political positions and attitudes, integration, free and democratic election, electoral behavior, opposition, political preferences, political parties, mass media
    5. Comparability: most important questions were replicated
    6. Geographical area: Belarus-national
    7. Source of information: iiseps@iiseps.org
    8. Fieldwork dates: 2011, June 2 -12
    9. Population sampled: 18+ years old residents of Belarus who are not currently in hospital, jail, military service
    10. Sampling: clustered random
    11. Sample size: 1503 respondents
    12. Mode of interviews: face-to-face interview
    13. Control: selective control of interviewers
    14. Related publications: more then 10 publications in mass media

September 2011

  • (executed in collaboration with The Enlightenment human rights institution "Office on the Rights of People with Disabilities")
    1. Title of the study: "Monitoring of a public opinion in Belarus"
    2. Topics of thematic coverage: political, social and economic factors of development of Belarusian society, integration with Europe and Russia
    3. The aim: to study the most important facilitators and obstacles of development of Belarusian society, to support Belarusian democratic forces for social transformations
    4. Descriptors: market, economic attitudes, socio-political positions and attitudes, integration, free and democratic election, electoral behavior, opposition, political preferences, political parties, mass media
    5. Comparability: most important questions were replicated
    6. Geographical area: Belarus-national
    7. Source of information: iiseps@iiseps.org
    8. Fieldwork dates: 2011, September 2 -12
    9. Population sampled: 18+ years old residents of Belarus who are not currently in hospital, jail, military service
    10. Sampling: clustered random
    11. Sample size: 1503 respondents
    12. Mode of interviews: face-to-face interview
    13. Control: selective control of interviewers
    14. Related publications: more then 10 publications in mass media

December 2011

  • 1. Title of the study: "Monitoring of a public opinion in Belarus"
    2. Topics of thematic coverage: political, social and economic factors of development of Belarusian society, integration with Europe and Russia
    3. The aim: to study the most important facilitators and obstacles of development of Belarusian society, to support Belarusian democratic forces for social transformations
    4. Descriptors: market, economic attitudes, socio-political positions and attitudes, integration, free and democratic election, electoral behavior, opposition, political preferences, political parties, mass media
    5. Comparability: most important questions were replicated
    6. Geographical area: Belarus-national
    7. Source of information: iiseps@iiseps.org
    8. Fieldwork dates: 2011, December 2 -12
    9. Population sampled: 18+ years old residents of Belarus who are not currently in hospital, jail, military service
    10. Sampling: clustered random
    11. Sample size: 1503 respondents
    12. Mode of interviews: face-to-face interview
    13. Control: selective control of interviewers
    14. Related publications: more then 10 publications in mass media

March 2012

  • (executed in collaboration with The Enlightenment human rights institution "Office on the Rights of People with Disabilities")
    1. Title of the study: "Monitoring of a public opinion in Belarus"
    2. Topics of thematic coverage: political, social and economic factors of development of Belarusian society, integration with Europe and Russia
    3. The aim: to study the most important facilitators and obstacles of development of Belarusian society, to support Belarusian democratic forces for social transformations
    4. Descriptors: market, economic attitudes, socio-political positions and attitudes, integration, free and democratic election, electoral behavior, opposition, political preferences, political parties, mass media
    5. Comparability: most important questions were replicated
    6. Geographical area: Belarus-national
    7. Source of information: iiseps@iiseps.org
    8. Fieldwork dates: 2012, March 2 -12
    9. Population sampled: 18+ years old residents of Belarus who are not currently in hospital, jail, military service
    10. Sampling: clustered random
    11. Sample size: 1509 respondents
    12. Mode of interviews: face-to-face interview
    13. Control: selective control of interviewers
    14. Related publications: more then 10 publications in mass media

June 2012

  • 1. Title of the study: "Monitoring of a public opinion in Belarus"
    2. Topics of thematic coverage: political, social and economic factors of development of Belarusian society, integration with Europe and Russia
    3. The aim: to study the most important facilitators and obstacles of development of Belarusian society, to support Belarusian democratic forces for social transformations
    4. Descriptors: market, economic attitudes, socio-political positions and attitudes, integration, free and democratic election, electoral behavior, opposition, political preferences, political parties, mass media
    5. Comparability: most important questions were replicated
    6. Geographical area: Belarus-national
    7. Source of information: iiseps@iiseps.org
    8. Fieldwork dates: 2012, June 2 -12
    9. Population sampled: 18+ years old residents of Belarus who are not currently in hospital, jail, military service
    10. Sampling: clustered random
    11. Sample size: 1498 respondents
    12. Mode of interviews: face-to-face interview
    13. Control: selective control of interviewers
    14. Related publications: more then 10 publications in mass media

September 2012

  • (Русский)
    (выполнен при сотрудничестве с Просветительским правозащитным учреждением "Офис по правам людей с инвалидностью")
    Название: "Мониторинг общественного мнения в Беларуси"
    Тема: политические, социальные и экономические факторы развития белорусского общества, интеграция с Европой и Россией
    Цель: выявить способствующие факторы и помехи для развития белорусского общества и оказать содействие демократическим силам Беларуси в социальных трансформациях
    Ключевые слова: рынок, экономические отношения, социально-политические позиции и отношения, интеграция, свободные и демократические выборы, оппозиция, политические партии, электоральное поведение, политические предпочтения, средства массовой информации.
    Сравнимость: наиболее важные вопросы были вновь подняты
    География опроса: Беларусь
    Итоговый файл: iiseps@iiseps.org
    Дата полевых работ: 24 сентября - 3 октября 2012 г.
    Объект исследования: население Беларуси 18 лет и старше
    Выборка: случайная многоступенчатая
    Размер выборки: 1502 респондентов
    Вид опроса: "лицом к лицу" (интервью)
    Контроль: выборочный контроль интервьюеров
    Публикации: более 10

December 2012

  • 1. Title of the study: "Monitoring of a public opinion in Belarus" 2. Topics of thematic coverage: political, social and economic factors of development of Belarusian society, integration with Europe and Russia 3. The aim: to study the most important facilitators and obstacles of development of Belarusian society, to support Belarusian democratic forces for social transformations 4. Descriptors: market, economic attitudes, socio-political positions and attitudes, integration, free and democratic election, electoral behavior, opposition, political preferences, political parties, mass media 5. Comparability: most important questions were replicated 6. Geographical area: Belarus-national 7. Source of information: iiseps@iiseps.org 8. Fieldwork dates: 2013, June 2 -12 9. Population sampled: 18+ years old residents of Belarus who are not currently in hospital, jail, military service 10. Sampling: clustered random 11. Sample size: 1513 respondents 12. Mode of interviews: face-to-face interview 13. Control: selective control of interviewers 14. Related publications: more then 10 publications in mass media

March 2013

  • 1. Title of the study: "Monitoring of a public opinion in Belarus"
    2. Topics of thematic coverage: political, social and economic factors of development of Belarusian society, integration with Europe and Russia
    3. The aim: to study the most important facilitators and obstacles of development of Belarusian society, to support Belarusian democratic forces for social transformations
    4. Descriptors: market, economic attitudes, socio-political positions and attitudes, integration, free and democratic election, electoral behavior, opposition, political preferences, political parties, mass media
    5. Comparability: most important questions were replicated
    6. Geographical area: Belarus-national
    7. Source of information: iiseps@iiseps.org
    8. Fieldwork dates: 2013, March 2 -12
    9. Population sampled: 18+ years old residents of Belarus who are not currently in hospital, jail, military service
    10. Sampling: clustered random
    11. Sample size: 1513 respondents
    12. Mode of interviews: face-to-face interview
    13. Control: selective control of interviewers
    14. Related publications: more then 10 publications in mass media

June 2013

  • 1. Title of the study: "Monitoring of a public opinion in Belarus"
    2. Topics of thematic coverage: political, social and economic factors of development of Belarusian society, integration with Europe and Russia
    3. The aim: to study the most important facilitators and obstacles of development of Belarusian society, to support Belarusian democratic forces for social transformations
    4. Descriptors: market, economic attitudes, socio-political positions and attitudes, integration, free and democratic election, electoral behavior, opposition, political preferences, political parties, mass media
    5. Comparability: most important questions were replicated
    6. Geographical area: Belarus-national
    7. Source of information: iiseps@iiseps.org
    8. Fieldwork dates: 2013, June 2 -12
    9. Population sampled: 18+ years old residents of Belarus who are not currently in hospital, jail, military service
    10. Sampling: clustered random
    11. Sample size: 1513 respondents
    12. Mode of interviews: face-to-face interview
    13. Control: selective control of interviewers
    14. Related publications: more then 10 publications in mass media

September 2013

  • 1. Title of the study: "Monitoring of a public opinion in Belarus"
    2. Topics of thematic coverage: political, social and economic factors of development of Belarusian society, integration with Europe and Russia
    3. The aim: to study the most important facilitators and obstacles of development of Belarusian society, to support Belarusian democratic forces for social transformations
    4. Descriptors: market, economic attitudes, socio-political positions and attitudes, integration, free and democratic election, electoral behavior, opposition, political preferences, political parties, mass media
    5. Comparability: most important questions were replicated
    6. Geographical area: Belarus-national
    7. Source of information: iiseps@iiseps.org
    8. Fieldwork dates: 2014, December 2- 12
    9. Population sampled: 18+ years old residents of Belarus who are not currently in hospital, jail, military service
    10. Sampling: clustered random
    11. Sample size: 1510 respondents
    12. Mode of interviews: face-to-face interview
    13. Control: selective control of interviewers
    14. Related publications: more then 10 publications in mass media

December 2013

  • 1. Title of the study: "Monitoring of a public opinion in Belarus"
    2. Topics of thematic coverage: political, social and economic factors of development of Belarusian society, integration with Europe and Russia
    3. The aim: to study the most important facilitators and obstacles of development of Belarusian society, to support Belarusian democratic forces for social transformations
    4. Descriptors: market, economic attitudes, socio-political positions and attitudes, integration, free and democratic election, electoral behavior, opposition, political preferences, political parties, mass media
    5. Comparability: most important questions were replicated
    6. Geographical area: Belarus-national
    7. Source of information: iiseps@iiseps.org
    8. Fieldwork dates: 2014, December 2 – 12
    9. Population sampled: 18+ years old residents of Belarus who are not currently in hospital, jail, military service
    10. Sampling: clustered random
    11. Sample size: 1502 respondents
    12. Mode of interviews: face-to-face interview
    13. Control: selective control of interviewers
    14. Related publications: more then 10 publications in mass media

March 2014

  • 1. Title of the study: "Monitoring of a public opinion in Belarus"
    2. Topics of thematic coverage: political, social and economic factors of development of Belarusian society, integration with Europe and Russia
    3. The aim: to study the most important facilitators and obstacles of development of Belarusian society, to support Belarusian democratic forces for social transformations
    4. Descriptors: market, economic attitudes, socio-political positions and attitudes, integration, free and democratic election, electoral behavior, opposition, political preferences, political parties, mass media
    5. Comparability: most important questions were replicated
    6. Geographical area: Belarus-national
    7. Source of information: iiseps@iiseps.org
    8. Fieldwork dates: 2014, March 24 – April 4
    9. Population sampled: 18+ years old residents of Belarus who are not currently in hospital, jail, military service
    10. Sampling: clustered random
    11. Sample size: 1502 respondents
    12. Mode of interviews: face-to-face interview
    13. Control: selective control of interviewers
    14. Related publications: more then 10 publications in mass media

June 2014

  • 1. Title of the study: "Monitoring of a public opinion in Belarus"
    2. Topics of thematic coverage: political, social and economic factors of development of Belarusian society, integration with Europe and Russia
    3. The aim: to study the most important facilitators and obstacles of development of Belarusian society, to support Belarusian democratic forces for social transformations
    4. Descriptors: market, economic attitudes, socio-political positions and attitudes, integration, free and democratic election, electoral behavior, opposition, political preferences, political parties, mass media
    5. Comparability: most important questions were replicated
    6. Geographical area: Belarus-national
    7. Source of information: iiseps@iiseps.org
    8. Fieldwork dates: 2014, June 2 - 12
    9. Population sampled: 18+ years old residents of Belarus who are not currently in hospital, jail, military service
    10. Sampling: clustered random
    11. Sample size: 1519 respondents
    12. Mode of interviews: face-to-face interview
    13. Control: selective control of interviewers
    14. Related publications: more then 10 publications in mass media

September 2014

  • 1. Title of the study: "Monitoring of a public opinion in Belarus"
    2. Topics of thematic coverage: political, social and economic factors of development of Belarusian society, integration with Europe and Russia
    3. The aim: to study the most important facilitators and obstacles of development of Belarusian society, to support Belarusian democratic forces for social transformations
    4. Descriptors: market, economic attitudes, socio-political positions and attitudes, integration, free and democratic election, electoral behavior, opposition, political preferences, political parties, mass media
    5. Comparability: most important questions were replicated
    6. Geographical area: Belarus-national
    7. Source of information: iiseps@iiseps.org
    8. Fieldwork dates: 2014, September 2-12
    9. Population sampled: 18+ years old residents of Belarus who are not currently in hospital, jail, military service
    10. Sampling: clustered random
    11. Sample size: 1506 respondents
    12. Mode of interviews: face-to-face interview
    13. Control: selective control of interviewers
    14. Related publications: more then 10 publications in mass media

December 2014

  • 1. Title of the study: "Monitoring of a public opinion in Belarus" 2. Topics of thematic coverage: political, social and economic factors of development of Belarusian society, integration with Europe and Russia 3. The aim: to study the most important facilitators and obstacles of development of Belarusian society, to support Belarusian democratic forces for social transformations 4. Descriptors: market, economic attitudes, socio-political positions and attitudes, integration, free and democratic election, electoral behavior, opposition, political preferences, political parties, mass media 5. Comparability: most important questions were replicated 6. Geographical area: Belarus-national 7. Source of information: iiseps@iiseps.org 8. Fieldwork dates: 2014, March 24 – April 4 9. Population sampled: 18+ years old residents of Belarus who are not currently in hospital, jail, military service 10. Sampling: clustered random 11. Sample size: 1502 respondents 12. Mode of interviews: face-to-face interview 13. Control: selective control of interviewers 14. Related publications: more then 10 publications in mass media

March 2015

  • More than 20 years IISEPS has been conducting opinion polls the results of which obtained wide recognition in Belarus and abroad. During these years over hundred national opinion polls on the basis of multistage random sampling have been conducted representing the population of the country from the age of 18 and older. The standard volume …

June 2015

  • More than 20 years IISEPS has been conducting opinion polls the results of which obtained wide recognition in Belarus and abroad. During these years over hundred national opinion polls on the basis of multistage random sampling have been conducted representing the population of the country from the age of 18 and older. The standard volume …

September 2015

  • More than 20 years IISEPS has been conducting opinion polls the results of which obtained wide recognition in Belarus and abroad. During these years over hundred national opinion polls on the basis of multistage random sampling have been conducted representing the population of the country from the age of 18 and older. The standard volume …

December 2015

  • More than 20 years IISEPS has been conducting opinion polls the results of which obtained wide recognition in Belarus and abroad. During these years over hundred national opinion polls on the basis of multistage random sampling have been conducted representing the population of the country from the age of 18 and older. The standard volume …
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March 2016

  • More than 20 years IISEPS has been conducting opinion polls the results of which obtained wide recognition in Belarus and abroad. During these years over hundred national opinion polls on the basis of multistage random sampling have been conducted representing the population of the country from the age of 18 and older. The standard volume …