


1. Title of the study: Principles of Free market Economy in Programs and Activity of Leading Economic and Political Actors in Belarus”
2. Topics of thematic coverage: attitudes of leading political parties, state institutions, mass media, trade unions, public and business associations towards main principles of free market economy and political reforms, and their implementation in public policy
3. The aim: to define most relevant and effective public actors for social transformations in Belarus
4. Descriptors: economy, crisis, ownership, privatization, mass media, tax policy, market, elections, political parties, trade unions, private business
5. Political block: а) political activity of the population b) conditions for general elections c) results of general elections d) national referendum
6. Comparability: most important questions were replicated
7. Geographical area: Belarus-national
8. Principal investigator: IISEPS
9. Polling organization: IISEPS, P.O.B. 219, Minsk, 220030, Belarus, e-mail: iiseps@iiseps.org
10. Fieldwork dates: 1995, May-June
11. Population sampled: 18+ years old residents of Belarus who are not currently in hospital, jail, military service
12. Sampling: clustered random
13. Sample size: 1414 respondents
14. Mode of interviews: face-to-face interview
15. Interviewers: part-time and university students
16. Control: selective control of interviewers
17. Related publications: 97 publications in mass media
18. Availability of the original data sets: contact with IISEPS
19. Source of information: IISEPS