


As the polling data shows, over a third of citizens (33.8%) think that the authorities chose the wrong economic course and another quarter of respondents evades the question. Although the number of supporters of the current economic course is fairly large (41.3%), this cannot serve a ground for the statements about national support of the current economic course that the state-run media make.

Nowadays, the voters have split almost into halves in their opinion of what is more important for the country: preservation of the current state (for – 51.1%) or changing of the current state (for – 48.2%).

In the opinion of respondents, what problems should be solved in the first place? Table 1 gives an overview. Thus, the respondents say that most changes should take place in the economic field (48.6% of answers) and this once again proves that by far not all Belarusians share enthusiasm of the authorities about the current economic course.

Table 1. Distribution of answers to the question “If changing current situation is more important for you, then what should be changed in the first place?”(open question, more than one answer is possible)*

Variant of answer


In the economic field (raising living standard, improving the state of economics, eliminating inflation, etc.)


In the political field (changing the power, ensuring human rights observance, etc.)


In the field of social relations (reforming the system of education, increasing cultural level, etc.)




* Tables 1 and 2 were offered only to those who think that changing of current situation is more important for the country, i.e. 48.2% of respondents

Who should undertake all these changes? Most respondents (58.9%) agree that these are country’s leaders. (See Table 2).

Table 2. Distribution of answers to the question “In your opinion, who should undertake these changes?” (open question, more than one answer is possible)

Variant of answer


Country’s management (president, government, Parliament, local authorities)


Community (population, opposition, public organizations)


Someone else


The current authorities pretty satisfied with the current economic course won’t change it. Therefore, people’s hopes for economy improvement in the near future will apparently remain just good recommendations until the power changes.

Table 3. Distribution of answers to the question “In your opinion, how will socio-economic situation in Belarus change over the years to come?”

Variant of answer


Will improve


Will not change


Will aggravate


Most Belarusians seem to understand this. At least, this is what goes from Table 3, in which 57.6% of respondents said that socio-economic situation in the country will either not change or aggravate over the years to come.