Monthly Archive: June 2004


E-bulletin of IISEPS Center for Documentation, N 6, 2004 (only Russian) Content: Introduction Theme of the month: Agreements on gas supply: economy or politics? Person of the month Hunger-strike of the deputies: “planned provocation” or a brave deed? Document of the month: Decree on sale of agrarian organizations: step to liberalization or a burden for …

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IISEPS News, N 2 (32), 2004 Content: Preface Strengthening Role of Independent Social Research and Experts’ Networks in Belarus: Materials of scientific seminar “Influence of Democracy on Public Opinion and Politics in Belarus”: Sergei Skrebets, Viktor Ventskovich. “Influence of agencies of state authority on public opinion and politics in Belarus” Prof. Stanislav Bogdankevich. “Influence of …

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1. Title of the study: “Strengthening role of independent social research and experts’ networks in Belarus”
2. Topics of thematic coverage: political, social and economic factors of transformations of Belarusian society, integration with Russia, ratings of politicians
3. The aim: to study the most important facilitators and obstacles of development of Belarusian society, to support Belarusian democratic forces for social transformations
4. Descriptors: market, economic attitudes, socio-political positions and attitudes, integration, free and democratic election, electoral behavior, opposition, political preferences, political parties, mass media
5. Comparability: most important questions were replicated
6. Geographical area: Belarus-national
7. Principal investigator: IISEPS
8. Polling organization: IISEPS, P.O.B. 219, Minsk, 220030, Belarus, e-mail:
9. Fieldwork dates: 2004, June
10. Population sampled: 18+ years old residents of Belarus who are not currently in hospital, jail, military service
11. Sampling: clustered random
12. Sample size: 1508 respondents
13. Mode of interviews: face-to-face interview
14. Interviewers: part-time and university students
15. Control: selective control of interviewers
16. Related publications: more then 10 publications in mass media
17. Availability of the original data sets: contact with IISEPS
18. Source of information: IISEPS