Monthly Archive: November 1994


1. Title of the study: Monitoring of Socio-Economic and Political Changes in Belarus”
2. Topics of thematic coverage: dynamic of reforms in political and economic spheres
3. The aim: to reveal most important trends in socio-economic and political transformations in Belarus
4. Descriptors: economy, living conditions, ownership, privatization, mass media, presidential elections, political parties, trade unions
5. Political block: а) restoration of the USSR b) presidential elections c) role of political parties in the elections d) status of Russian
6. Comparability: most important questions were replicated
7. Geographical area: Belarus-national
8. Principal investigator: IISEPS
9. Polling organization: IISEPS, P.O.B. 219, Minsk, 220030, Belarus, e-mail:
10. Fieldwork dates: 1994, November-December
11. Population sampled: 18+ years old residents of Belarus who are not currently in hospital, jail, military service
12. Sampling: clustered random
13. Sample size: 1460 respondents
14. Mode of interviews: face-to-face interview
15. Interviewers: part-time and university students
16. Control: selective control of interviewers
17. Related publications: 53 publications in mass media
18. Availability of the original data sets: contact with IISEPS
19. Source of information: IISEPS